Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer

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Last Updated - January 15, 2024

Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer


The WPS Button is either at the side or the back of the printer. In some of the printers, the pin is also present at the top. However, it is easy to use the WPS PIN to connect the printer wirelessly with a router. But, sometimes you may face issues in your Lexmark Printer to access the WPS Pin. Here, we will discuss how you can Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer, and use this PIN to connect to a device. WPS is a WIFI-protected Setup in which the printer is connected to a device using the WIFI network over the same device. The two machines share the same network connection and access each other configurations using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup.

Table of Contents

Where Do I Find WPS Pin on Your Lexmark Printer?

WPS Pin is a series of numbers that you can use to connect the printer wirelessly to a device. It works with a wireless router as a secret code for the connection process. It maintains the integrity of the connection process. Follow the steps below to locate the WPS Pin on your printer.

  • Firstly, switch ON your printer, and connect it with a high-speed internet connection.
  • Next, go to the control panel of the printer.
  • Click on the 3 grey dots.
  • After that, navigate to ‘Network or Ports’ then go to Network, then Network Setup.
  • After that, go to ‘Wireless’, then ‘wireless connection setup’.
  • Then go to ‘WiFi Protected Setup’.
  • Lastly, click on the ‘Start PIN method’ option.
  • The screen will now show you the eight-digit PIN. You can note the PIN for the connection process.
  • After that, go online on the web browser.
  • In the address bar of the browser, type the IP address of your access point.
  • Now, configure the WPS settings, and write down the WPS PIN that you noted earlier.
  • Hit the enter key and wait for the connection to be established.
  • Check for a successful connection.

Check for the success of Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer. If still, you are unable to find out the WPS Pin of the Lexmark Printer, then you can contact the company’s executive. Related:WPS Pin on Epson Printer

Where is the Eight Digit WPS Pin on My Router?

If you are also struggling with ‘Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer’, then you can check for its solution here. WPS Pin is an eight-digit number that helps the user to connect the printer with the router directly and follow up with the printing tasks. You can find out the 8-digit pin on the label of the router. It can be placed either at the top of the device or at its back. In some of the devices, the label is also placed at its bottom. In case, your device does not have any of the labels, then you can access the WPS Pin on the manual that you get with the device. You need to search the entire manual for the 8-digit PIN. After that, you can use this PIN for the connection process directly with the device.

How Do I Connect to WIFI Using WPS Pin On Lexmark Printer?

To connect the printer wirelessly over a network, one of the reliable and fast methods is using the WPS Pin. You need to first work on the ‘Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer’. After that, you can use the Pin for the connection. Follow the steps below to connect the printer using a WPS PIN.

  • Firstly, follow the above procedure to ‘Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer’.
  • After that, navigate to the router’s panel and click on the WPS button.
  • From the home menu, go to Settings.
  • Then, go to ‘Internet Settings’.
  • After that, click on ‘Wireless and then choose ‘WPS PIN’.
  • The screen will show the PIN details.
  • Select the name of the device, and type the PIN code to connect the device.
  • Check for the WIFI connection signal or bars on your device to confirm the connection between the network and your device.
  • Also, if there is no signal, then you can follow the troubleshooting steps to resolve and again proceed with the ‘Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer’.

Related:How to find wps pin on Samsung printer

Troubleshooting and Resolve WPS Pin Issues on Lexmark Printer

In case, the user is not able to Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer, then follow these fixes to get the solution. After that, you can connect the devices successfully over a network.

Low Internet Connection

The very first reason for the problem can be the low speed of the internet. To Find WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer successfully, you need to work with a high speed and stable internet connection. To resolve the problem, you can place the router close to the device. After that, make sure to reduce the network load by disconnecting the other entire device connected to the same network.

Choose the Same Device In the Network List

You may be able to Find WPS Pin on the Lexmark Printer, but you may not choose the correct SSID name of your network and connect to it. To resolve the problem, make sure that you are using the SSID name of your device only and then type the WPS Pin for it. Different devices correspond to different PINs, and you may achieve failure if you connect the type the WPS Pin of another device or choose a different SSID name in the connection process.

Type the Exact WPS Pin

Another reason for the failure of the connection process is the wrong WPS PIN. You may be able to Find the WPS Pin on Lexmark Printer correctly, but not typing it appropriately may cause failure. Make sure to write the exact match of the PIN code on the screen for success. Therefore, you can easily Find WPS Pin on Lthe Lexmark Printer and use it for a secure and reliable connection of the printer with the wireless router. Also, check how to find the PS pin on the Brother Printer. 

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Paul Brown

Paul Brown

Hi, I am Paul, a blogger, and a huge printer enthusiast. I have 10+ years of experience in the printing industry. Prior to offering my expertise through the digital platform, I worked on resolving almost every printer issue one can imagine. In the past 5 years, I have written numerous guides on paper jams, connectivity issues, and more. I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of a well-functioning printer, and I'm here to make that possible. When I not tinkering with printers, I spend my time doing digital art that I'll eventually take a printout of!

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